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2019-04-29 09:41:58 公务员考试网 https://sc.huatu.com/ 加备考QQ群 加微信领资料 APP模考刷题 文章来源:四川华图

【导读】四川教师招聘面试策略之英语教学过程设计—阅读课(2)四川公务员考试网提供,更多关于四川公务员考试网,四川公务员考试,四川公务员招考信息的内容,请关注四川公务员考试网!四川华图微信公众号(schuatu),四川公务员培训咨询电话:点击查看,微博: @四川华图如有疑问请加【四川公务员交流群汇总】

  Step 3: while-reading

  读中活动一般分为fast reading和careful reading,在fast reading这一环节,教师主要是带领学生归纳文章主旨大意,而careful reading则是对文章内容的进一步了解和学习。

  Step 3 While-reading


  Ss read the text very quickly and answer the following simple questions.

  Where did the man want to go?

  How did the man try to get to the place?

  Did he get to the place very smoothly?


  How did the woman comfort the man when he complained?

  What did the man do for a living?

  Can you predict what would happen later?

  【Purpose】 Train Ss’ability to collect and process information. Their critical thinking ability can also be cultivated.

  Step 4: Post-reading



  Step 4 Post-reading

  Task:Make an interview

  Teacher creates a situation in which the lateness of the taxi leads to the delay of the plane. The impatient passengers demand that the pilot should clarify for the delay. If you were the pilot, how would you make the announcement? Ss work in group of 6 to come up with an announce it and group leader is chosen to deliver the announcement.

  Purpose:Make ss use the expression they have learnt. Develop their speaking and communication skills.

  Step 5 Summary




  Step 5 Summary

  Ask students to summarize what they have learnt. Teacher emphasizes the importance of being punctual in spite of others’ being likely to be late. They also need to pay attention to the interaction of seemingly irrelevant events.

  【Purpose】Ss are encouraged to sum up the key points. In addition, the emotional aim can be achieved.

  Step 6 Homework



  Make use of your imagination and give an ending to the short story. You are supposed to present it to your classmates next time.

  【Purpose】 Bring their imagination into play and improve their English writing as well as using skills.

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